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Updated: Nov 24, 2023

My Mamma - Rosa used to make this delicious rich meal in winter on any special occasion. She served it with crusty fresh Italian bread, basil from her herb garden, and the Adults always had a glass of red wine.

Serves four and can be doubled easily for those pop-in guests!

List of Ingredients for Your Italian Pasta Recipe

*Ingredients to get from Graziella’s Best Foods

· 1 Tbsp Olive Oil

· 1 tsp of chillies (dependent on the heat)

· 1 Bottle of tomatoes

· 125ml of Whip and Cook

· 500g Potato Gnocchi

· Mozzarella

· 2 Onion (finely chopped)

· 150g Spicy Chorizo

· 4 cloves of garlic (Minced)

· 2 tsp dried Italian herbs

· 1/4 cup fresh Basil (optional)

· Salt and Pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 200 degrees C.

Frying onions and Chorizo on a medium heat until soft and golden brown
Fry chopped onions and chorizo on a medium heat

Prepare the Sauce

Remove the skin from Chorizo.

Chop the onions and Chorizo finely (tip from Mamma: the finer, the better)

Drizzle olive oil into a pan and fry the onion and chorizo on medium heat until soft and golden brown (the key here is patience, and don't rush by cooking on high).

Add garlic, herbs and chilli and cook for 2 minutes.

Add the sauce and heat.
Add Conserve Della Nona tomato sauce

Add garlic, herbs and chilli and cook for 2 minutes.

Add the tomato sauce and cook and simmer for 15 mins.

Add Whip and cook
Add Whip and Cook to the ingredients

Add Whip and Cook!

Salt and Pepper to taste.

Remove from heat and start preparing the gnocchi.
Remove from heat and start to prepare the gnocchi

Remove from heat once cooked thoroughly.

Now start to prepare the Gnocchi:

  1. Bring a large pot of salted water to boil.

  2. Add Gnocchi and follow package instructions!

  3. The Gnocchi will be cooked when it starts to float to the top.

  4. Be careful not to overcook!

Mix the cooked gnocchi into the sauce.
Drain and mix gnocchi into sauce

Drain the Gnocchi and mix with the sauce.

Add to baking dish.

It is done when heated right through and bubbling cheese is seen.
Add mixture to banking dish and shred mozzarella on top

Shred the Mozzarella on top and bake for 15-20 minutes or until bubbling and golden brown.

Garnish with Basil, and SERVE!

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